Poverty Alleviation

Poverty in India has been cited as one of the main reasons why millions of children do not get access to the rights they are entitled to. India, being home to every sixth child in the world (Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation- MoSPI, 2012), has not been able to ensure the Right to Survival, Right to Development, Right to Protection and Right to Participation to its children.
Any issue that causes a child rights violation like female foeticide or child labour, is a symptom of deep-rooted problems such as lack of livelihoods, caste or gender bias. Poverty and the problems arising from it, often hit the children in the worst manner because they are the most vulnerable.
Celeberation of Birth Anniversary of Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar
Celeberation of Birth Anniversary of Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar at Haiderpur on 14.04.2018
Where does it come from?
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It was 45 BC Is associated with a piece of classical Latin literature, making it more than 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Sydney College in Hampden-Virginia,...

Gyan Adhar Welfare Society
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